Kaliesha West

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"You can be the best at what you do, but if nobody knows you, you aint shit."

Self-love Looks Great On You.

As a retired prize fighter, I can't emphasize enough the significance of self-love, patience, promotion, and cultivating inner happiness to thrive as an athlete. A true champion is about originality; Few become stars, but even fewer shine bright.

Not everyone can relate to the roller-coaster of emotions I experienced while climbing the ranks, but let's rewind back to my teenage years, so I can try to give you some insight into why I feel the way I do about this topic today. Back then, I’m talking early 2000s; 15 some years ago, things were simple for me: eat, sleep, box, repeat., well so I thought. Then suddenly, media and interviews started rolling in as I climbed the professional rankings, and all I could think was, "Okay, I’ll just talk about how I'm going to win my next fight..." Everything was very surface level in my mind. I recall my dad instilling in my head, "You win, Kaliesha, and you let the gloves do the talking." The path seemed crystal clear - I fight, I win, I become a world champ, I get paid, and I retire. I believed that success would bring fame, fortune, and recognition of my excellence in the ring, boy was I wrong. Merely letting my gloves do the talking wasn't enough. I did’nt quite understand the power of public relations (PR) and the art of showcasing my true self to the world. Remember, even the great Muhammad Ali had to speak up and tell everyone he was the greatest before they believed it.

Your Talent is Just a Fraction of the Multifaceted Individual You Embody.

Now, as a retired athlete, a mother of two, and a loving wife, my perspective has evolved. Becoming a star involves more than just talent. I am no longer the athlete, I am the mother, wife, and fan. I have a different perspective. When I see athletes, I wonder how this person can inspire my two boys. I think of how they can relate to me. I quickly learned the importance of embracing your unique self and standing out from the crowd. This is especially challenging for women in male-dominated sports, like boxing. There may be misconceptions that you need to exploit your body for attention, but it's about showing vulnerability, connecting with your audience, all while emphasizing your true worth. My new take on this is simple: "You can be the best at what you do, but if nobody knows you, you aint shit." Now think about that statement, and before you get all butt hurt, I promise you it will make sense.

Absolutely, some folks might argue that they don't care about being known or seeking fans' approval, and I get where they're coming from. That's all fine and dandy until until you start thinking about the foundation you're building for your future. Do you want to live in a shack? Then bravo perspective. But let me lay it out straight – you need to be a master chess player. I'm talking about understanding the game, strategic moves, and not getting tangled in the web of false narratives you might have spun around yourself. Being a star and shining brightly starts from within. It's about taking risks, both inside and outside the ring, and having the guts to expose your vulnerable side. People aren't looking for perfection; they want someone they can relate to, someone they can connect with on a deeper level. They're thirsty for inspiration and a compelling reason to follow your journey. So, don't shy away from showing your true self; that's what'll set you apart, and remember that vulnerability takes courage and strength.

“The Kardashian Way”

The Kardashian family offers a prime example. While some may dismiss their fame as based on looks, true fans recognize the power of vulnerability displayed in their reality show, emphasizing family values and connection. Being a star is about being genuine, relatable, and inspiring others to follow your journey.

To truly shine, be authentic, and make yourself available to your audience. Show love and gratitude whenever possible, and be unafraid of imperfections, letting your true self shine without a facade. Of course, embracing your unique image doesn't mean sacrificing professionalism or purposefulness.

Effective marketing plays a vital role in elevating your profile. If you're not a PR expert, don't hesitate to seek help from professionals who can elevate your brand while you focus on your passion. Remember, behind every great person, there's often a well-crafted marketing strategy that leads to success.

So, remember what I said about "if nobody knows you"? Chill, I know you're dope! But imagine I tell Joe Smuck about this badass boxer I met, who's got all the skills! But zero fame. To that Smuck, you might not be a big deal, even with all your greatness. Thus the importance of not just recognition but branding, connecting with others, and building your platform.

Connecting With Others

Now, let's delve into what sets you apart. Discover what makes you special and market those qualities with pride. If you're already rocking the notoriety game but still feel like you haven’t connected with as large a platform as you feel you deserve, take a look in the mirror. What's your outlook like? Did you know that by neglecting your own needs, you might be pushing away opportunities and the right people? It's crucial to start with self-love and being genuinely happy with yourself, or else fans can sense the facade. Your energy and mood speak volumes, even in a single photo or video.While talent draws attention, it takes more than just skill to achieve greatness. Self-love and happiness from within are essential ingredients for success. Explore interests and hobbies outside your primary goal, as they bring fulfillment and balance to your life.

As you continue your journey, make time for self-love and care. Excuses like "I don't have time" can be overcome with proper time management and prioritization. Your 24 hours each day are an opportunity to create a purposeful life. A few minutes spent meditating or practicing yoga can have a profound impact on your mindset and overall well-being. Don't let the excuse of "I don't have time" hold you back. Trust me, even with a busy schedule, there's always room for self-love and growth. Look at my life – being a full-time mom, nursing student, and managing two businesses, I still find time for what I love, like blogging, exercising, and doing yoga. And let me tell you, having two boys showed me how much time we really have in a day. Sure, they keep me on my toes, but I've learned to embrace grace and make time for myself and my passions. It just takes a little extra hustle, and it might for you depending on what you have on your plate.

Eventually, I'll share more about my own experiences in a blog post under my mom category. For now, I hope my insights have been valuable, inspiring you to make positive changes and cherish every moment. Remember, life offers us a single chance, so let's live it to the fullest - with passion, purpose, and a whole lot of LIVIN'.